Dear ministry faith family,
Let me begin this update by expressing my heartfelt appreciation for your prayers for Cindy and me. As I have told you on many occasions, we are very indebted to Christ for your ongoing gestures of kindness.
In an attempt to make this report as brief as possible, I wish to mention the high points of what’s going on in our lives and ministry.
First, thank you for your prayers for my health. A little over a month ago Cindy took me to the ER with chest and arm pains. After an EKG and blood work, they ruled out a heart attack. During the weeks that followed, due to more discomfort, I was seen by a cardiologist who administered a nuclear exam and an echocardiographic stress test. All tests came back negative. While I praise the Lord for no signs of a heart issue, I am still a bit concerned over why the chest discomfiture. Your prayers continue to be appreciated as we wait upon the Lord.
Cindy and I would welcome your intercession for us as we leave for Europe on Monday, October 5. I will be speaking in four conferences, one in Germany and three in Romania over the next couple of weeks. In the Germany conference, I will share four messages on the Pitfalls in the Ministry (dealing with Satan’s strategies to destroy God’s servants), Facing Attacks/ Finding Approval (securing God’s approval as we protect personal integrity), Helps to Gospel Efficiency (things that depreciate our gospel effectiveness) and The Lord for the Body, which addresses overcoming sexual lust through the reigning grace of the gospel.
When I return home I will send you a more thorough report concerning our endeavors. Until then, be assured of our love and prayers for you and yours. It is my prayer that Christ would be your greatest pursuit and that you will at all cost avoid the hazard of allowing yourself to succeed in things that don’t really eternally matter.
Grace and peace,
Don & Cindy Currin